Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 12, 2013

Guava trees are generally virtually no land cocoon , however due potted should note selecting woodland porous and well drained adding decomposed compost , so choose the best fertilizer to the roots earthworm not fungal diseases .
It can be potting mix guava pear tree at a rate of rice husk ash , coconut fiber , rice husk live earthworm distribution is 2:0,5:0,5 :

1 . Choose potted pear guava trees at home must have sufficient size relative to fruit trees regularly , choose pots with clay or plastic container DS diameter pot size from 30 - 40cm in height from 35-50 cm pots , pots the bigger the bigger tree for many branches . For woodland in 2/3 of the pot , then planted pear trees like guava on , remember to remove the root layer plastic bag , insert your hand compacted around the tree does not wobble when watering plants . Me putting pots where there is sufficient light exposure time from 5-6 hours to complete photosynthesis and flowering tree fruit . Note elevated perineum material used to protect water for watering the plants .
2 Select guava pear trees to plant potted pear guava fruit should be selected quickly from marcotting seedlings , planted in pots from now until the contrary course takes 4-6 thang.Tuy seedlings from this source was quick degenerative aging because seedlings can extract old age as the mother plant . If planting pear guava seed , it may take 3-4 years to fruit and longer harvest period .

3 How to take care of potted pear guava tree at home is 15-20 days guava pear tree has grown in pots crashing out new leaves and roots , young leaves that were old when they started adding NPK fertilizer 16.16.8 about spoon surper times about coffee and spoon , spread all around the ground outside the guava tree , water well after fertilizing . Monthly recurring one -time fertilizer nutrient soil earthworm distribution in a surface layer of 2-3 cm pots ( in early January ) and a little inorganic fertilizer as on mid-month . No more inorganic nitrogen fertilizers such as urea , SA will only green guava tree that does not bear fruit . Pear guava trees in pots need watering in full assurance and plant roots moist enough not to be a lack of water, lack of water for irrigation case susceptible deciduous trees and guava branches gradually dry . When guava pear tree that started out small fruit pruning pairs are dropping left to care for the remaining guava fruit grow quickly , only 1-2 per branch in left near the body , cut off the tops left outside the sect . Each pear guava trees grown in pots should be enough feed left 3-4 . If left on the tree for too much is not enough nutrition , guava fruit vulnerable to loss . When guava pear tree to the left and saw a few round phenomenon began to wane sparse tree leaves , new leaves are smaller compact proceed trimming down trees , tree fertilizing guava pear sufficient to start a new round left . When guava pear tree that was too big compared with the size of the existing pots to repot a bigger, new guava tree grows well .

4 Pest prevention pear guava trees grown in pots in the house at the pest attack , only when there is need to include it with the left bich nylon to avoid sucking flies as rotten prick . You can use biological pesticides or water spraying garlic and chili guava plants to keep insects out not to close . Pear guava tree planting in pots at home is not difficult , you suggest people care to enjoy the taste of delicious pear guava fruit cultivated by themselves

. provide fruit guava tree planting pots , old guava tree have left
World seedlings . since 1993
20 year plant variety selection
Address:  14rd  Ward , of Long Trung , Cai Lay District , Tien Giang Province
84906194819 Hoa ( charge nationwide)
Eastern Branch : 3rd Ward , of Tru Van Tho , Ben Cat District , Binh Duong Province
84988868620 ( in charge of the Southeast )

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